Monday, January 5, 2009


My baby is 3 years old. I can't believe it! Avery turned 3 on Dec. 29th. It is sad that she is growing up so fast, but she is so stinkin' cute! She is definetely a challenge, but she has a lot of personality that is hard to resist!

On Avery's birthday Jason and I took her toBuild a Bear. She LOVES stuffed animals. She had a lot of fun. Jason was able to finally snap a picture of her smiling and looking at the camera.

We had a family birthday party for Avery and all her cousins and grandparents came over.


Merry Christmas!!! Santa definetly found our house! We had a great Christmas. The kids all got what they wanted and plus some. They were spoiled by everybody! We had a good time visiting with all our family once we made it through all the snow( It only took Jason a couple hours to shovel out our driveway, so we could pull out!). We love and appreciate all of our family and all they do for us.

Avery got this huge barbie house. She loved it and was so excited. (sorry about the sideways pic. I forgot to change it before I uploaded it and I didn't want to go back and do it!!!)

The boys got all kinds of fun toys. Guitar Hero was for the family and dad loves it just as much as the boys. Dad also likes Austin's Magnext I Coaster he got!!I


Brynn said...

She is so cute. I know I said this on your last post, but she looks just like you. Looks like you had a fun christmas.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that you had a fun Christmas & sad that I didn't get to see you! Avery is adorable!

DeVries Family said...

I TOTALLY agree!!!! She does look JUST like you!!! Your kids crack me up! I can never get over how handsome Dalton is...those big brown eyes and his smile....oh...he's SO cute!
All 3 of them are adorable...but I have a crush on Dalton.
We can't wait for Avery to start dance either!!!!! when are you going to do it? She's 3.....that means she's old enough for Esteem Dance! I KNOW they'd LOVE for her to be there too...they are the BEST
teachers EVER!

Raelynn said...

Christmas looked like fun and your kids are so CUTE!! I can't believe avery is 3! Happy BirthdayAvery..
I love the family pictures.. You have one good looking FAMILY!